Here are eight Tweets from Keith’s video production/marketing discussion with ASU brand management students:
Instead of website with a bunch of text “about us,” you could have a video that explains all of that in less than 2 minutes.#videomarketing
When marketing your brand think about your target audience#videomarketing
Don’t contradict yourself. Don’t say your business is one way then represent your brand in an opposite light in marketing materials
ASU students laugh when Keith tells it how it is. #videomarketing
ASU students teach Keith what a hipster is when talking about local boutique #videomarketing #studentsbecometeacher
ASU students joke about the need for attractive people in their videos. Are looks that important to branding? #videoproduction
Define your message and communicate it in a way that’s consistent#videomarketing
Make videos visual. No one wants to look at a talking head.#videomarketing