Dear Twitter. We’re Breaking Up With You.

Like so many other businesses out there, whether they wish to acknowledge it or not, we continued to hang out with Twitter just to cover our bases. I mean let’s be honest. Many businesses are not [...]

Split On Dairy Queen’s Data Breach Response: Grade C

Social media channels often are better ways to communicate than websites, and it would be refreshing if more companies didn’t leave those options out in the cold.

Screen Zombies: How Do We Free Ourselves?

If we are screen zombies, I’m one of those in the pack that has awaken from the dream and realized something feels wrong. I’m simply not sure how to exit that world.

Public Relations: Walmart Wins This One

In its one-on-one battle with actor Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, Walmart wins. Here's why:

Dear Social Media: I Need My Space

Personal connections are getting weaker as people become clouded with the notion that it is okay to not return emails or voicemails. Social media has invaded our networks, our lives, the fabric [...]

Should your business videos try to be funny?

Shoot for the stars. Swing for the fences. Try to be funny. But remember that even the industry's big players with plenty of tools can't frequently solve the science of humor.

Media Relations: Was This Editor A Wimp?

Take five minutes to update someone on a story’s status. We’re big boys and girls. We can take rejection.

Media Training: Executives Can Learn From Beauty Queen

Executives may dread hearing this, but they can learn from the beauty queen's appearance on the Today Show.

The Continued Role Of Social Media In War And Politics

For every silly example of people posting on social media about what they ate for lunch, there is an example of Twitter's true influence.

Most Shocking Reports From Election Night Coverage!

“RT @APCampaign: ELECTION WATCH: At a polling station in the swing state of North Carolina, opinions differ” (Excellent insight!) Inside Edition reported on actors who have played [...]

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