We Give Freedom Industries D For News Conference

The public has blasted this news conference, so you may wonder why we didn't award the company an F.

Will Newsrooms Learn From This?

The risk-reward factor is out of whack.

Media Outlets Sometimes Screw You

The media, no different than any other industry, have its members which promote dysfunction.

Media Training In British Columbia: 14 Questions For Businesses Before Bracing For Breaking News

One of the first issues I discussed with the audience was bracing for breaking news. I explained how I once covered an accidental shooting at a gun show. That story raises the following questions [...]

Media Relations: Channel 3, 25 Patients, 1 Busy Morning

Turning down a producer's request is risky.

Some Media Are Like Men Staring At Women

Just when you think you've sealed the deal, something walks in and distracts him.

Media Training: Lost For Words? So Turn It On And Watch

You've heard of walk and talk. Consider this watch and talk.

Media Relations: Going Live On TV In 22 Minutes

You build yourself a reputation as being available anytime, anywhere.

Most Shocking Reports From Election Night Coverage!

“RT @APCampaign: ELECTION WATCH: At a polling station in the swing state of North Carolina, opinions differ” (Excellent insight!) Inside Edition reported on actors who have played [...]

Ridiculous Moments In TV News: Election Night Was Disaster Night For Me And Mister Big Sandwich

Some of the most disastrous nights for a journalist can come election night.

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