Media Relations: Driving Straight For The Jugular

Pitching stories with little regard to who is receiving the ideas is not the casting-a-wide net path you should take. Ask lots of questions, define the target audience as narrowly as possible and [...]

Media Training: Bill Clinton Shows Businesses Why They Must Address Their Critics

Hit the pink elephant in the room head on. Don't pretend she's not standing there. Everyone is thinking it.

Communications Crap We’re Tired Of Hearing And Reading

Automatic Twitter messages that say “Thanks for the follow!” Golly, gee – you betcha!

Employee Communications: How to craft effective company messages

Like human anatomy, a message has many layers that are all interconnected to one another and should connect back to the heart of your organization.

Why you should beta test your communications

Whether you're communicating a new company program or marketing a new product, someone from your target audience can provide invaluable feedback before they see the final email or the shiny new [...]

Do you speak Jargonese?

Let’s face it. Jargon is everywhere these days and has become woven into the fabric of everything from corporate culture to marketing strategies and [gasp] even marketing materials. If you’ve [...]