PR: 4 Reasons Reporters May Never Call Again

When I was reporting, if someone said “no” to any of the above questions, I may have moved on to someone else who said “yes.”

Media Training: Colts Owner Dropped Ball

People we provide media training to often request the service in anticipation of an event likely to prompt questions from reporters.

Should your business videos try to be funny?

Shoot for the stars. Swing for the fences. Try to be funny. But remember that even the industry's big players with plenty of tools can't frequently solve the science of humor.

Politics And The Media: Is The Paul Ryan Pick Any More Important Than Preseason Football?

Every four years, when a presidential candidate announces his VP pick, the media analyzes the choice until someone waves a new shiny object in front of their faces.

We’re Not Fans Of Social Media Cheap Tricks

Did we give away items people didn't care about? Did we give up to soon? The answers really don't matter to us.

Chick-fil-A’s Story Shows Us Similarities Between Sports And Public Relations

Experts shouldn't be so eager to declare a victory one way or another.

For Me, Football Is A Season Of Social Media

Twitter notifications from South Florida sports writers, for me, are a economically responsible way of following my favorite team.

Our Super Bowl Sunday: Shooting a web tutorial video and meeting a cool cat

Star Wars, dogs and expanding your universe with video

Four days later, the video includes almost seven million views