Are You Too Polished For Video Production?

Experience shows us some of the most frequent public speakers sometimes appear too polished. Their sound bites are excellent, but at times seem rehearsed as if someone is reciting lines theyโ€™ve [...]

Media Relations: Apple Offers You More Than New Toys

Apple live streamed a special event introducing new products including the iPad mini. Companies can learn the following from the presentation: Provide journalists with visual, simple graphics. [...]

Mighty, Mighty Media Training: The Impression That I Want To Get

We may not like it, but style, good looks and how you deliver your words play a key role in success.

Video Production: Don’t Whisper Sweet Nothings While Conducting Interviews

Unless your talk ultimately is presented as text, I say zip it.

Crisis Communications: Don’t Run So Far Way

If you really want to get a fair story during a case of crisis communications, then open your doors and grant an interview with a spokesperson who I assume gets paid for more than typing out spin.

Copywriting: You Sometimes Really Only Need A Few Inches

What I often find is a blogger hammering home the same point over and over.