Dear Twitter. We’re Breaking Up With You.

Like so many other businesses out there, whether they wish to acknowledge it or not, we continued to hang out with Twitter just to cover our bases. I mean letโ€™s be honest. Many businesses are not [...]

Oh Canada! For Public Relations Pros, This Is A Great Move!

Before big elections or rulings, I would post online videos, plant news stories and strike up some social media strategy about Canada's virtues.

Some Social Media Blogs Are A Bunch Of B.S.

Social media doesn't need to be complicated. Some people simply make it that way.

Public Relations and Social Media: How to convey bad news to customers

Other businesses should take a similar approach if the shoe is ever on the other foot.

Did you see this reporter’s live shot on media training and social media?


Twitter is more than just a tease

These Tweets are common from the media: “Tonight on [station name].” That line is followed by a tease to get you to watch or listen to an upcoming newscast. The Tweet ends with [...]