CBS5 Interviews Client On The Money

CBS5 in Phoenix interviews client On the Money about advice for small businesses on keeping a watchful eye on their finances. [youtube][/youtube]

Public Relations: Ways To Prepare Clients For Heartbreak

The following steps may help clients better understand your efforts even when your hard work does not land media coverage.

Should your business videos try to be funny?

Shoot for the stars. Swing for the fences. Try to be funny. But remember that even the industry's big players with plenty of tools can't frequently solve the science of humor.

Can A Man In Makeup Help You Make Better Videos?

The video tells a story instead of blatantly selling a service. But the results can be the same if not better.

Public Relations: Treacherous Territory

Be smart. And if you autmatically assume the people surrounding you agree with you politically, that's not very smart at all.

The Continued Role Of Social Media In War And Politics

For every silly example of people posting on social media about what they ate for lunch, there is an example of Twitter's true influence.

Mighty, Mighty Media Training: The Impression That I Want To Get

We may not like it, but style, good looks and how you deliver your words play a key role in success.

Shooting Video Of A Small Business Sporting Big Growth

Media Training: How to Handle Tough Interviews Differently Than Ron Paul

Be ready. Prepare yourself for any question about your business.

I’m building both a business and a tower

I’m posting a blog the other day. That’s tricky business when a good night’s sleep is only a dream. When you’re tired, catching typos and extra spaces is not a sure thing. [...]

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