10 Media Training Myths

Media training is not about attempting to memorize a script of lines you may or may not believe in. It’s not about stifling your opinions.  It’s not about cleverly sidestepping [...]

PR: 4 Reasons Reporters May Never Call Again

When I was reporting, if someone said “no” to any of the above questions, I may have moved on to someone else who said “yes.”

Crisis Communications: NFL Must Improve Offense

The NFL’s public relations strategy must not be one-dimensional.

Media Training: Watch And Learn From Carney & McCain

Don’t let reporters or others interrupt you.

Media Training: Would You Ask This Question?

Just because a reporter is racing for answers doesn’t mean you can’t slow things down to get it right.

Media Training: Six Points About Ambush Interviews

If reporters ambush you in an awkward or uncomfortable location, don't be afraid to tell them you are happy to answer their questions but prefer to move to a different area.

LeBron The Media Training King

The fact LeBron can calmly draw up such answers after feeling the heat from critics shows why, in this particular instance, he displayed skills of a media training king.

6 PR Lessons From Amazon’s Price Increase

You may make more money, but did you lose your reputation in the meantime?

Media Training: Oklahoma State University Earns A

Several people publicly discussing how an Oklahoma State University basketball player shoved a fan during a game skillfully handled the media.

Media Training: How Shooter Should’ve Handled Media

Your strategy for handling those situations should stretch beyond not responding or driving away.