Good, Bad And Ugly Of President-Elect Trumpโ€™s News Conference

The Good Delivery. President-elect Donald Trump speaks with confidence. He talks conversationally with reporters the same way he might talk with friends or strangers he just met. Generally, he [...]

10 PR Lessons From Presidentโ€™s First News Conference Since Trumpโ€™s Election

President Obamaโ€™s first news conference since the election of Donald Trump offers more than additional fodder for a nation divided politically. Business leaders should study the news conference [...]

Obama’s Immigration Speech: 16 Media Training Lessons

Obama cited border security achievements. Lesson: Outline achievements before proposing controversial ideas. Obama discussed business leaders. Lesson: Identify target audiences and attempt to win [...]

Judging Obama’s Net Neutrality Video

We applaud President Obama for posting a video to relay his message about net neutrality. We also like how the shot composition slightly changes during the video. But we offer some recommendations.

PR: Christie Looks Like An Actual Dancing Dad

โ€œThis Bridge Is Closedโ€ dance showed self-deprecation on even the most sensitive of political issues.

Hey Experts! Storytelling Isn’t New! Watch 1973 Videos

And yet some people writing about this topic act as if the concept of storytelling is like Indiana Jones finding the ark. Please.

WATCH: Is This America’s Tallest Journalist?

The Flip Side interviews TV journalist Greg Deffenbaugh about his height and how it may have impacted his interview with President Obama.

Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

Media Relations: If The President Can, So Can Companies

If you can't personalize a story, don't pitch it until you can.

The Continued Role Of Social Media In War And Politics

For every silly example of people posting on social media about what they ate for lunch, there is an example of Twitter's true influence.

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