Public Relations: I might soon be enjoying a $15 monthly maintenance fee

My bank mailed me a letter. It discussed the benefits of using its cards and earning points for rewards and cash back. The letter stated “We are here to help” and how the bank strives “to provide [...]

Public Relations: Handling negative customer reviews

Instead of ignoring problems, work quickly to try to fix them and address them directly with each customer.

Public Relations and Social Media: How to convey bad news to customers

Other businesses should take a similar approach if the shoe is ever on the other foot.

Public Relations: Handling Customer Emergencies Part 2

We have two updates.

Public Relations: Handling Customer Emergencies

When someone walks in still in “calm” mode and respectfully explains your company’s slip-up is costing him both time and money, solve it.

Indiana Jones and the lost art of public relations

Give your front line employees some authority to make simple decisions that require mostly a strong dose of common sense.

Getting your business on TV might mean NOT planning ahead

A mother goes to thank students in a classroom for making a difference in her life. An ice cream store offers free goodies to men and women who work to protect and serve. An eight-year-old helps [...]