Obama Takes Key Public Relations Steps In Tug Of War

The media are already analyzing how these current issues might impact Obama's legacy without acknowledging our tug-of-war may likely have moved on to something new in six months. But Obama is [...]

Public Relations: Treacherous Territory

Be smart. And if you autmatically assume the people surrounding you agree with you politically, that's not very smart at all.

The Continued Role Of Social Media In War And Politics

For every silly example of people posting on social media about what they ate for lunch, there is an example of Twitter's true influence.

Media Training And Politics: Did Biden Do What Obama Should Have Done?

Our guest blogger is Duncan Matheson, President and co-founder of BissettMatheson Communications in New Brunswick, Canada. Hereโ€™s what he has to share after reading our blog on media training and [...]

Media Training: Don’t Let Your Speech Get Stuffed

I recommend making a choice and focusing on one important theme.

Politics And The Media: Is The Paul Ryan Pick Any More Important Than Preseason Football?

Every four years, when a presidential candidate announces his VP pick, the media analyzes the choice until someone waves a new shiny object in front of their faces.

Oh Canada! For Public Relations Pros, This Is A Great Move!

Before big elections or rulings, I would post online videos, plant news stories and strike up some social media strategy about Canada's virtues.

Politics And Media Relations: Was Romney A Ramblin’ Man?

Be decisive. Clearly reveal your opinion. Don't muddy the waters.

The 10 Best Ways to Get The Media to Ignore Your Political Press Release

Starting with a subject line that includes 21 words Trying to spark coverage by diving into complicated stock holdings and land deals that would take journalists half-hour specials to explain [...]