Media Training: Joan Rivers Returns With Comic Style

A media training lesson for politicians and businesses: Don't go into hiding after controversy.

Media Training: The Rule Is Keep Your Cool

Strategically, a time might present itself to let loose. But the brief joy you feel by telling someone off via the media might not help achieve a happy ending later on.

Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

Obama Takes Key Public Relations Steps In Tug Of War

The media are already analyzing how these current issues might impact Obama's legacy without acknowledging our tug-of-war may likely have moved on to something new in six months. But Obama is [...]

Media Relations: A Political Pitch To Ditch

She sent the pitch the same day as the event. In fact, she sent it two hours and 15 minutes before the event began.

Ask Clinton. Media Training Is For More Than The Media

Don't restrict media training to media opportunities.

Some People Called Our Article Mean-Spirited And Claimed We Have No Idea What We’re Talking About

Instead of some of these PR pros seeing this as an opportunity to question conventional wisdom and, at least for a split second consider a change of course, they decided the better approach was [...]

Mighty, Mighty Media Training: The Impression That I Want To Get

We may not like it, but style, good looks and how you deliver your words play a key role in success.

Media Training: As Romney Learned, A Big, Red Flashing Light Won’t Warn You

This is basic media training in a modern world where about the only device still unable to record you is a refrigerator.

Media Relations: Don’t Do A Number On Journalists

Make your numbers stand out more by putting them in context.

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