Media Training: Don’t Let Famous People Fumble

When celebrities go off script and give interviews, isn't there someone to review the talking points?

Public Relations: The Man With The Bulletproof Brand

He was a CEO whose company seemed more defined by its magic than its money.

Public Relations: Is Apple Too Good For Its Own Good?

The PR machine fuels itself. But did the machine sputter a bit this time because Apple is too good for its own good?

Social Media: Rewriting How We Boost Book Sales

Social media changes the way we write, publish and sell books. Two clients hired us to run a social media campaign to promote their new book, due out by the end of the year. We’re excited [...]

HR Communications: Don’t Kill The Mood With Silence

Silence is an informal mode of communication snuffing the life out of a customer’s experience.

Watch Your Back To Avoid Bad Video

Your background is as important as your foreground.

Public Relations: When Employees Drive Your Brand Into The Ground

These drivers don't seem to understand they're driving around a brand the moment they get behind a wheel.

Social Media’s Arms Race

I do wonder where this is all eventually headed, how it ultimately affects society and how the next announcement will try to top the latest.

Media Relations For Those Who Scream And Don’t Wear Shirts

Someone should offer a personal, media relations product for people who seek a more effective method in expressing their disgust with the media.

Public Relations: Don’t Be Loud, Obnoxious, Gross Blur

I think the ad’s goal was to make me hungry not disgusted.

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