Social Media: Is Twitter Scooping Live TV?
Journalists and especially newsroom managers can’t consider social media a footnote, a sideshow or simply a spot to post links to last night’s news.
Media Training: Don’t Let Famous People Fumble
When celebrities go off script and give interviews, isn't there someone to review the talking points?
Public Relations: The Man With The Bulletproof Brand
He was a CEO whose company seemed more defined by its magic than its money.
Public Relations: Is Apple Too Good For Its Own Good?
The PR machine fuels itself. But did the machine sputter a bit this time because Apple is too good for its own good?
Social Media: Rewriting How We Boost Book Sales
Social media changes the way we write, publish and sell books. Two clients hired us to run a social media campaign to promote their new book, due out by the end of the year. We’re excited [...]
HR Communications: Don’t Kill The Mood With Silence
Silence is an informal mode of communication snuffing the life out of a customer’s experience.
Watch Your Back To Avoid Bad Video
Your background is as important as your foreground.
Public Relations: When Employees Drive Your Brand Into The Ground
These drivers don't seem to understand they're driving around a brand the moment they get behind a wheel.
Social Media’s Arms Race
I do wonder where this is all eventually headed, how it ultimately affects society and how the next announcement will try to top the latest.