Are You Too Polished For Video Production?

Experience shows us some of the most frequent public speakers sometimes appear too polished. Their sound bites are excellent, but at times seem rehearsed as if someone is reciting lines they’ve [...]

Employee Communications: Come Together

Involving employees from the beginning can have a number of benefits including an uptick in leadership trust, engagement, innovation, productivity and the bottom line.

Dear Social Media: I Need My Space

Personal connections are getting weaker as people become clouded with the notion that it is okay to not return emails or voicemails. Social media has invaded our networks, our lives, the fabric [...]

Employee Communications: Crazy Work Ideas

We understand changing a work atmosphere starts with changing work culture, but let us shoot for the stars and pitch some ideas most executives would never consider. But we dare you to run these [...]

What I Learned From Media Training With A Healthcare Company

Imagine the challenges healthcare companies face when trying to share in short, interesting sound bites their complex stories.

Media Training: Don’t Let Famous People Fumble

When celebrities go off script and give interviews, isn't there someone to review the talking points?

Public Relations: The Man With The Bulletproof Brand

He was a CEO whose company seemed more defined by its magic than its money.

Public Relations: Is Apple Too Good For Its Own Good?

The PR machine fuels itself. But did the machine sputter a bit this time because Apple is too good for its own good?

Social Media: Rewriting How We Boost Book Sales

Social media changes the way we write, publish and sell books. Two clients hired us to run a social media campaign to promote their new book, due out by the end of the year. We’re excited [...]

HR Communications: Don’t Kill The Mood With Silence

Silence is an informal mode of communication snuffing the life out of a customer’s experience.

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