Takata’s Statement Displays Disappointing PR Tactics

Too many businesses continue to disappoint us with how they handle tough questions.

Crisis Communications: NFL Must Improve Offense

The NFL’s public relations strategy must not be one-dimensional.

Are The Olympics An Example Of PR Games?

We don’t know if the writer is correct, but he reminds us about a key point regarding public relations that is worth repeating.

Public Relations: Hotel Sites Should Re-Book Responses

When the media contact you about complaints, don’t imply the customers are to blame.

For PR Sake, GM Should Switch Law Firms

So why employ law firms, which because of their previous working relationship, might erode to even the slightest degree the trust in an internal investigation?

6 PR Lessons From Amazon’s Price Increase

You may make more money, but did you lose your reputation in the meantime?

Public Relations: 10 Ways To Prepare For A Protest

If your business ever faces such a situation and you have a heads up, how do you prepare?

Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

Media Training: Businesses Should Keep Stats Simple

Businesses should stay consistent and stick with one way in communicating statistics to the media.

The Continued Role Of Social Media In War And Politics

For every silly example of people posting on social media about what they ate for lunch, there is an example of Twitter's true influence.

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