How To Lose A Media Outlet In 92 Days

We pitch a story idea to a reporter. He says he might be interested and requests to further discuss the idea about a week later on the phone. On the phone, we discuss the story idea in detail. [...]

10 White Lies Journalists Tell PR People

Many journalists, despite their ability to ask tough questions, don’t like to utter the words “no” or “I’m not interested” to a PR pro pitching a story. [...]

The Flip Side of the pitch: spreading the news to employees

The carefully crafted news release and media pitch should have an “equal and opposite” pitch for employees.

Listen to us speak on how to increase your chances of obtaining media coverage

Identifying your company’s newsworthy story angle

Should Your Social Media Get Nasty?

In the end, my answer boiled down to branding.

With Video, Don’t Forget To Think Small

You can't afford to make mobile technology an afterthought.

Media Relations: Why you shouldn’t dump the local news

Local stations include pockets of people still trying hard to deliver an intellectual look at issues that matter most.

Video: The dog who loves belly flops

Video: It’s too easy being green

"A green screen can make your brand feel blue."

Your screaming turns me off

An HR manager in a satellite office sends an email to employees about changes in building security stemming from a corporate office mandate. The tone of her email is hostile and employees feel [...]

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