Employee Communications: Come Together

Involving employees from the beginning can have a number of benefits including an uptick in leadership trust, engagement, innovation, productivity and the bottom line.

Employee Communications: Listen To The Work

As leaders rise through the ranks, it’s easy to become so engrossed in the bigger picture items (not to mention the politics). Memories of work life on the front lines fade over time. Ultimately, [...]

Employee Communications: New G.M. Chief Gets Visible

New leaders sometimes focus on their expanded responsibilities as well as internal political pressures, putting face time with employees on the back burner. Barra is taking a powerful leadership [...]

Employee Communications: Let Me Hear Your Body Talk

A furrowed brow might say, “Don’t talk to me.” A faint “hi” or even lack of acknowledgement in the hallway might translate into, “I’m disappointed in your performance.”

Employee Communications: Execs Sometimes Forget This

Social working = being visible + listening + connecting

I Like It When You Talk Work To Me

It’s not uncommon for internal social media networks like Yammer to go untapped in organizations. Common excuses include lack of time, uncertainty of what to post or lack of responses to their [...]

Six Ways Leaders Can Get Employees To Feel The Love

Busy executives often unwittingly create silos in their organizations by not carving out time to chat with employees.

Leadership Communications: Let’s Get Visible

Visibility. It’s one of the most powerful forms of informal communications and it delivers a mighty message: I care. I’m here. Talk to me.