Media Training: Uber Exec’s Twitter Apology To Reporter

Read this BuzzFeed story to learn what led to the apology. The reporter addresses the situation in her story and explains the executive also called and emailed her.  Today’s media training [...]

Public Relations: The Six-Sentence Story Pitch

We attempted to strike the correct balance between being strategic and accurate.

Public Relations: 14 Statistics About The News Media

Source:  Pew State of the News Media 2013 In local TV, sports, weather and traffic now account on average for 40% of the content produced on the newscasts studied while story lengths shrink. [...]

Public Relations: Some Media Scared And Lazy, Not Busy

PR pros without newsroom experience may have suspected some of this. You don’t dare speak it publicly

Video Production: A Simple Way To Save Time

Business videos are not ambush interviews.

Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

Media Relations: Was This Editor A Wimp?

Take five minutes to update someone on a story’s status. We’re big boys and girls. We can take rejection.

Nine Ways For Hospitals To Slow The PR Bleeding

One of the most important steps to building public relations is building strong communications with patients, who perhaps more than any other group, discuss a medical facility's actions with [...]

Media Outlets Sometimes Screw You

The media, no different than any other industry, have its members which promote dysfunction.

Crisis Communications Tips For Booz Allen

Our 11 recommendations for crisis communications