Inventive Ways To Keep Employees In Touch and Engaged 

by Gina Butchin “Necessity is the mother of invention.” This year has created an unprecedented opportunity for professional communicators to flex our creativity and adaptability. Seemingly, [...]

The Power of Employee Communications

In the age of coronavirus, employee communications is illustrating its value as the company glue. Oftentimes, it seems companies spend so much time, energy and money focusing on their customers [...]

Video Production: 15 Places To Share Your Video

Blogs News releases E-newsletters Speeches/presentations Recruiting Company events/meetings Website Social media (Don’t forget LinkedIn.) YouTube channel Trade shows Seminars/training [...]

Employee Communications: 15 Techniques For Businesses To Take Advantage Of Video Internally

Remember: Videos should be interesting, entertaining, engaging, lively, well-produced and easy to find.

The Flip Side of the pitch: spreading the news to employees

The carefully crafted news release and media pitch should have an “equal and opposite” pitch for employees.