PR: 4 Reasons Reporters May Never Call Again

When I was reporting, if someone said โ€œnoโ€ to any of the above questions, I may have moved on to someone else who said โ€œyes.โ€

Media Training: Watch And Learn From Carney & McCain

Donโ€™t let reporters or others interrupt you.

Media Training: Joan Rivers Returns With Comic Style

A media training lesson for politicians and businesses: Don't go into hiding after controversy.

Media Training: How Shooter Should’ve Handled Media

Your strategy for handling those situations should stretch beyond not responding or driving away.

Public Relations: Ways To Prepare Clients For Heartbreak

The following steps may help clients better understand your efforts even when your hard work does not land media coverage.

Media Training: No Peeing Wearing Microphones

Staying alert of microphones when working with the media is more important than ever before.

Media Relations Is Like Dating

This first date went sour for many reasons.

Media Relations: Channel 3 Interviews Dr. Lee Weinstein On What Teeth Tell Us About Health [singlepic id=91 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=center]

Some Media Are Like Men Staring At Women

Just when you think you've sealed the deal, something walks in and distracts him.

Media Training: Prepare For A Quickie

The entire answer to a complex question was about 20 seconds.