Do How-To Videos Help Millennials Buy Stuff?

  The answer is yes, according to these Google statistics: Searches related to “how to” on YouTube are growing 70% year over year. Source: Google Data, Q1 2014–Q1 2015, U.S 67% [...]

10 Video Production Statistics

Credit union with a year-long campaign of six videos with over 700,000 views reported 51 percent increase in new target members. Source: Sentinel & Enterprise

Dear Social Media: I Need My Space

Personal connections are getting weaker as people become clouded with the notion that it is okay to not return emails or voicemails. Social media has invaded our networks, our lives, the fabric [...]

Shooting Video: Get Down With Google Analytics

These are basic steps that help businesses indicate how much video is driving traffic to their websites. The steps are basic but important.

We Applaud Internet Companies’ Statements, But …

Media and public relations is often a long-term strategy. Starting off well does not promise a happy ending. e approach, this is only the first step in media and public relations.

Media Training: How Many Reporters Are Dumb As Rocks?

I imagine every industry employs people we can not believe have their positions.

Faxing? Didn’t that disappear along with the CD player?

Not everyone is fluent in the language of Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube and their online cousins allowing us to post and share video.

Do We Actually Do Business With Facebook Fan Pages We’ve Liked?

I tell him I still think if his Facebook page offers useful information on a regular basis, clients and potential ones will view him as a hub of expert advice and a leader.

Maybe Video, Social Media And Media Relations Shouldn’t Be A Numbers Game

It's like someone is building a road in the right direction, but we're not actually clear if it will get us where we want to go.