Inventive Ways To Keep Employees In Touch and Engaged 

by Gina Butchin “Necessity is the mother of invention.” This year has created an unprecedented opportunity for professional communicators to flex our creativity and adaptability. Seemingly, [...]

The Power of Employee Communications

In the age of coronavirus, employee communications is illustrating its value as the company glue. Oftentimes, it seems companies spend so much time, energy and money focusing on their customers [...]

Walmart’s Video About Miguel And Higher Pay


Let’s Get Physical With Employee Communications

While companies might say engagement is a top priority, often times their office spaces send the opposite message. But seas of cubicles with scattered closed-off conference rooms are a mainstream [...]

Employee Communications: Listen To The Work

As leaders rise through the ranks, it’s easy to become so engrossed in the bigger picture items (not to mention the politics). Memories of work life on the front lines fade over time. Ultimately, [...]

Employee Communications: No Reply At All

Leaders: Ask yourselves what message you are sending to employees when you do not acknowledge their emails or voicemails. What assumptions might they make if they do not hear back from you? What [...]

I Like It When You Talk Work To Me

It’s not uncommon for internal social media networks like Yammer to go untapped in organizations. Common excuses include lack of time, uncertainty of what to post or lack of responses to their [...]

Six Ways Leaders Can Get Employees To Feel The Love

Busy executives often unwittingly create silos in their organizations by not carving out time to chat with employees.

Making Employees Feel Part of the Team

I was walking with a co-worker when she acknowledged she should be back at her desk meeting a fast approaching deadline. She asked me why she didn’t care. I knew why. Shareholders and [...]

Employee Engagement or Whirlwind Romance?

Met online on at jobs website – seemed like a perfect match. Intense courtship (recruitment). Popped the question (the offer). Signed a prenup (acceptance letter, confidentiality agreement, [...]