10 Things I Miss Most About Covering Election Nights As A Reporter

Technical problems we all secretly predicted Watching the carefully thought out newsroom election night game plan quickly disintegrate Being assigned to a new candidate at the last second after [...]

Most Shocking Reports From Election Night Coverage!

“RT @APCampaign: ELECTION WATCH: At a polling station in the swing state of North Carolina, opinions differ” (Excellent insight!) Inside Edition reported on actors who have played [...]

CNN Wins Contest Of Election Night Gadgets & Gimmicks

Finding ways to make TV election coverage more interesting moves beyond multi-touch screens. NBC News using the ice rink at Rockefeller Center as an electoral map. CNN holding a watch party in [...]

Ridiculous Moments In TV News: Election Night Was Disaster Night For Me And Mister Big Sandwich

Some of the most disastrous nights for a journalist can come election night.