Good, Bad And Ugly Of President-Elect Trump’s News Conference

The Good Delivery. President-elect Donald Trump speaks with confidence. He talks conversationally with reporters the same way he might talk with friends or strangers he just met. Generally, he [...]

8 Video Production Lessons From Donald Trump’s Video

No matter your opinion about Donald Trump and the controversies surrounding him, business leaders can learn the following eight video production lessons from the short video he released about his [...]

10 PR Lessons From President’s First News Conference Since Trump’s Election

President Obama’s first news conference since the election of Donald Trump offers more than additional fodder for a nation divided politically. Business leaders should study the news conference [...]

Presidential Debate’s 7 Lessons For Business Leaders

Share stories. Hillary Clinton shared the story of a Las Vegas girl to relay the candidate’s position on immigration. Share personal stories to humanize and effectively illustrate your key [...]