Crisis Communications: NFL Must Improve Offense

The NFL’s public relations strategy must not be one-dimensional.

Hey Experts! Storytelling Isn’t New! Watch 1973 Videos

And yet some people writing about this topic act as if the concept of storytelling is like Indiana Jones finding the ark. Please.

Video Production: Has This Happened To You On A Street Corner?

Shooting simple video of a building can get complicated especially when standing on a street corner with a camera.

Chick-fil-A’s Story Shows Us Similarities Between Sports And Public Relations

Experts shouldn't be so eager to declare a victory one way or another.

For Me, Football Is A Season Of Social Media

Twitter notifications from South Florida sports writers, for me, are a economically responsible way of following my favorite team.

The Media: A Photojournalist And Good Guy Who Needs Your Prayers

TV reporters often have a select few photographers they hope to work with when they walk through the door. How could Joe Peters not be on my list?

Peyton Manning and the media: Consider the source

Who wants to simply report facts?