Public Relations: The Six-Sentence Story Pitch

We attempted to strike the correct balance between being strategic and accurate.

Should You Shoot Business Videos With Smartphones?

So if a website, an office or the way employees dress are a representation of your business, why wouldn't the quality of video have a similar impact?

Media Training In British Columbia: 14 Questions For Businesses Before Bracing For Breaking News

One of the first issues I discussed with the audience was bracing for breaking news. I explained how I once covered an accidental shooting at a gun show. That story raises the following questions [...]

Public Relations: Treacherous Territory

Be smart. And if you autmatically assume the people surrounding you agree with you politically, that's not very smart at all.

Faxing? Didn’t that disappear along with the CD player?

Not everyone is fluent in the language of Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube and their online cousins allowing us to post and share video.

Public Relations: We Saw Companies Commit These 7 Sins

Don't cold call people on their cell phones. That does not make you business savvy. That makes you annoying.

Media Training And Politics: Did Biden Do What Obama Should Have Done?

Our guest blogger is Duncan Matheson, President and co-founder of BissettMatheson Communications in New Brunswick, Canada. Here’s what he has to share after reading our blog on media training and [...]

Crisis Communications: Why We Didn’t Send The Media A Statement (Part 2)

Business owners might legitimately ask themselves why they should self-identify themselves when the TV station is not.