In HR Communications, Internal Communications, Video Production

Employee Communications:  15 Ways To Use Video Internally


When I joined The Flip Side, I imagined shooting video to promote businesses externally. Loren then opened my eyes to The Flip Side of the story:  Companies also should use video to better communicate internally. I quickly recognized the value of internal video. In the corporate world, I witnessed countless examples of poor communication between management and employees. Managers couldn’t think outside of sliding memos into mailboxes. And they often composed the memos as if they were drill sergeants with a pen in hand instead of a weapon.

We share our videos on online, but you won’t watch many of them. Companies hire us to shoot internal video, for example, to improve communication with young employees who don’t always take time to read group emails. Businesses ask us to shoot high-quality video to inspire staff to take part in company programs. Some companies want video of employee testimonials sharing a new internal approach to achieving success.

Here are several ways to use video to enhance your intranet, improve employee communications and share your corporate story with your chief advocates:  your staff. Remember:  Videos should be interesting, entertaining, engaging, lively, well-produced and easy to find.

  1. Company directives
  2. Compliance and regulatory issues
  3. Training
  4. Boosting morale
  5. Highlighting specific employees and departments
  6. Encouraging employees to volunteer
  7. Company events
  8. Company meetings
  9. Sales kick-off meetings
  10. CEO speeches
  11. Video newsletters
  12. Company values
  13. Benefits and compensation
  14. How-to videos
  15. Attracting investors

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