Did I mention my presentation focused on preparing ahead of time for a potential media crisis? The mismatched shoes, forgotten laptop and missing handout did not strengthen my self validation on [...]
When I worked as a television reporter and arrived on the scene of an incident involving a company, I normally first encountered a frontline employee before one of the [...]
Make major shifts in key messages within short periods of time. Make statements that don’t match actions. Prohibit certain news outlets from attending media briefings. Ask reporters to profile [...]
The Good Delivery. President-elect Donald Trump speaks with confidence. He talks conversationally with reporters the same way he might talk with friends or strangers he just met. Generally, he [...]
President Obama’s first news conference since the election of Donald Trump offers more than additional fodder for a nation divided politically. Business leaders should study the news conference [...]
Share stories. Hillary Clinton shared the story of a Las Vegas girl to relay the candidate’s position on immigration. Share personal stories to humanize and effectively illustrate your key [...]
It is not positive when people characterize your response to an answer as a "rant." Imagine the reactions from clients, employees and the media if a business executive answered a question in such [...]