You Might Be A Bad PR Client If …

A lawyer once told us he never takes on new clients unless he genuinely believes he can win their cases. In nearly any industry, money can persuade us to partner with difficult clients. We [...]

How To Distinguish Your Content From The Rest Of Society’s Silliness

We walked into the building to interview an employee about the value of expanding public transportation. When Karl entered the room, we didn’t hesitate to begin the questioning before he [...]

One Of The Most Effective Ways To Get News Coverage

Listen to Keith, during an industry conference, talk about how commenting on breaking news is one of the strongest opportunities to show your expertise to the news media.  

We’ve Watched Companies Break These Rules For Video

When companies prepare to create videos, their first impulse is often to gather all the top executives, sit them down in a conference room and capture them talking about the company’s work. Is [...]

Trump, Giuliani Messages Are Warning To Businesses

Many people may dismiss this as a political soap opera, but it’s an important warning to businesses of all sizes.

99% of Story Pitches Are Horrible

Many people have good stories to tell, but they don’t pitch them well and miss opportunities. Here, Keith Yaskin, president of The Flip Side Communications and a former broadcast [...]

Red For ED Campaign Faces PR Danger

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] What if the crowds of demonstrators shrink? What if the weekend slows momentum? I already hear the [...]

You Have A Bad Online Review. Now What?

What do you do when you discover that somebody left you a bad review online? Should you ignore it? Vehemently defend your company? Ridicule the sender? No, no and no. 

OMG! How To Empower PR With Happy Customers

A customer emails your company. “OMG!” the customer writes before characterizing your product or service as perfection and proclaiming they’ll be back for more. Make sure you treasure customers [...]

Crisis Communications: How To Handle The Words “Go F-Yourself”

If people are criticizing you publicly, how can you avoid telling them to "go F-yourself." Maybe you prefer "eat s---t" or stop being an "a------"? And if you utter those words, what then?  Tip [...]