Pitches To Ditch: Don’t say Hi ya! to my husband!

Greetings and salutations from The Flip Side Communications!!!!!! When you email pitches to journalists, try to immediately grab their attention. One way is to make the email personal. Some PR [...]

Small Business Communication: Don’t pitch friends to media

A reporter was working a story the other day about a small internet business. And he put a face on the story by interviewing one of the company’s customers. Before the on-camera interview [...]

Zero in on one great pitch at a time

Take the public relations pro who starts off her email: “I have some timely story ideas that your viewers might have interest in hearing more about. Any of the story ideas listed below can [...]

How many interviews should you offer a reporter?

The media is coming! The media is coming! Now that it seems you’ve persuaded a reporter to come cover your product, who is facing the camera? In most cases, at least one interview is [...]

Video: Business Wire – Does Your Tweet Count?

Keith’s take in a 1:48. Click here! Subscribe via email to our blog, join us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter.

A Pitch to Ditch

A timely topic these days involving children is bullying. Stories of bullying leading to tragic circumstances seem to be appearing on a regular basis across the country. This is an important [...]

Twitter is more than just a tease

These Tweets are common from the media: “Tonight on [station name].” That line is followed by a tease to get you to watch or listen to an upcoming newscast. The Tweet ends with [...]

Business & Media: Making Friends Face to Face

On Friday, Keith was on a Business Wire panel talking with PR pros about social media. Time was spent talking about building relationships with members of the media through Facebook and Twitter. [...]

A Boy Scout’s Guide to Effective Media Relations

Our guest blogger is Bruce Richardson, a friend and former colleague who has managed and led corporate communications and media relations functions at two Fortune 500 companies and a federal [...]

Getting your business on TV might mean NOT planning ahead

A mother goes to thank students in a classroom for making a difference in her life. An ice cream store offers free goodies to men and women who work to protect and serve. An eight-year-old helps [...]