Public Relations and Social Media: How to convey bad news to customers

Other businesses should take a similar approach if the shoe is ever on the other foot.

Public Relations: Handling Customer Emergencies Part 2

We have two updates.

Public Relations: Handling Customer Emergencies

When someone walks in still in “calm” mode and respectfully explains your company’s slip-up is costing him both time and money, solve it.

Why you should beta test your communications

Whether you're communicating a new company program or marketing a new product, someone from your target audience can provide invaluable feedback before they see the final email or the shiny new [...]

Indiana Jones and the lost art of public relations

Give your front line employees some authority to make simple decisions that require mostly a strong dose of common sense.

Public Relations: Costco shows social media isn’t the only real time solution

Businesses can still use good 'ole fashion techniques to prove they're listening.

Target and Breastfeeding: How To Turn A PR Problem Into A Positive

PR problems also open opportunities to establish your company as an industry leader while inspiring trust and growing your reputation.

Video and Public Relations: FedEx Delivers When It Absolutely, Positively Had To

FedEx put a face on its apology.

Smokin’ Public Relations for Grocery Stores

Smoking outside grocery stores surprises me.

Give Bank of America public relations credit where credit is due

Bank of America mailed my friend a card. The face of the card read “Thank You.” Inside the card, the bottom half included in red print “Thank you for choosing Bank of America. We look forward to [...]