One Of The Best Ways To Shine At Public Relations

Some companies forget customers are one of the most important parts of public relations.

WATCH THIS: Is A Call To Action Really That Critical?

Keith Yaskin of The Flip Side Communications in Scottsdale, Arizona and Duncan Matheson, President and co-founder of BissettMatheson Communications in New Brunswick, Canada, discuss if a call to [...]

iPR: Apple’s Tax Controversy Offers Fruitful Lessons For Businesses

iPR can end up slicing stories differently than predicted.

Public Relations: Amy’s Baking Company Reminds Us It’s Business, Not Personal

The lesson is that even if customers slap you verbally, business owners must take the high road.

Obama Takes Key Public Relations Steps In Tug Of War

The media are already analyzing how these current issues might impact Obama's legacy without acknowledging our tug-of-war may likely have moved on to something new in six months. But Obama is [...]

5 PR Lessons From Alaska Airlines On Landing Smoothly

Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air took several steps to propel this negative into a positive.

Public Relations: 8 Ways To Give Speaking More Teeth

While I watched our client pediatric dentist Dr. Lee Weinstein speak to a large group of kids at a community center, I realized even top business executives could learn a lot by watching him.

Public Relations: Must Love Dogs

A recent Tuesday:

Public Relations: Treacherous Territory

Be smart. And if you autmatically assume the people surrounding you agree with you politically, that's not very smart at all.

Media Relations: 10 Reasons I Ignored This News Release

When I was reporting, a communications firm emailed me a news release about an education expert being available for comment. I ignored the news release due to a combination of the following reasons: