VIDEO: TV Reporter: PR Pros Don’t Always Get It

The Flip Side interviews investigative reporter Vicky Nguyen of NBC station KNTV about businesses and PR pros pitching her stories.

Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

Applaud Cheerios For Showing Family Few Others Will

If part of its audience can't accept parents whose faces are of different colors, a company need not worry too much about such customers.

Public Relations: Is This AT&T Letter A Good Call?

This letter is still one step ahead of many other businesses. And moving companies from robotic to personal communications takes one long step at a time.

Our Story: 9 PR Tips From Frustrated Patient

After a vexing hospital experience, we offer suggestions on how to improve.

Personal PR: 10 Ways To Identify True Friends

They don't make you feel you need to be someone you're not.

Personal PR: 10 Ways To Chill Out

Look around at life surrounding you without looking down once at your smartphone.

Nine Ways For Hospitals To Slow The PR Bleeding

One of the most important steps to building public relations is building strong communications with patients, who perhaps more than any other group, discuss a medical facility's actions with [...]

We Applaud Internet Companies’ Statements, But …

Media and public relations is often a long-term strategy. Starting off well does not promise a happy ending. e approach, this is only the first step in media and public relations.

Some PR Pros Are Similar To James Bond

You might have a license to kill … your own pitch.