Media Training: Tips When Employees Screw Up

    Make someone available to talk with the media. Don’t hide behind “no comment” or lame, emailed statements. Apologize and share your disappointment in strong, [...]

Public Relations: Ways To Prepare Clients For Heartbreak

The following steps may help clients better understand your efforts even when your hard work does not land media coverage.

Public Relations: 10 Ways To Prepare For A Protest

If your business ever faces such a situation and you have a heads up, how do you prepare?

Holiday Smiles: Scottsdale Kids’ Dentist Providing Free Services Friday, Part Of $30,000 In Free Service This Year

The free day of service caters to children who have not been to the dentist in the last year and have no insurance.

Public Relations: Don’t Get Too Wild

Do you want your brand portrayed this way to the public?

Public Relations: H&M’s Strategy On Wages

What do you think of H&M’s approach regarding a “living wage”? Read this story. Also, read this from H&M’s newsroom. How does what a company pays its [...]

Public Relations: Walmart Wins This One

In its one-on-one battle with actor Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, Walmart wins. Here's why:

Public Relations: Company’s Newsroom Makes News

Newsrooms should be multimedia meccas with company stories, videos and photos. But SAS, a North Carolina-based software company, shows there are many ways to make a newsroom interesting and newsworthy.

Watch How Arizona Mom Gets Six Kids To Brush Teeth

Parents need to be parents and make sure their kids brush their teeth whether they like it or not,” said Dr. Weinstein. “You can try to make it fun. Try to instill good habits. Try to share the [...]

Public Relations: Be Politely Persistent

Some media outlets make it maddeningly difficult to find the appropriate person to pitch a story idea to.