How To Secure More Speaking Opportunities

Earning speaking opportunities takes patience and persistence. It can feel like a job within a job. Whether your speaking engagements are steady or few and far between, you might want to focus [...]

Avoid Mayhem During Large Zoom Meetings

Government agencies and private companies are hosting public virtual meetings, and some include audiences of more than 100 participants. The virtual meetings include presentations and answering [...]

We’ve Watched Companies Break These Rules For Video

When companies prepare to create videos, their first impulse is often to gather all the top executives, sit them down in a conference room and capture them talking about the company’s work. Is [...]

I Wore The Wrong Shoes To My Presentation

Did I mention my presentation focused on preparing ahead of time for a potential media crisis? The mismatched shoes, forgotten laptop and missing handout did not strengthen my self validation on [...]

Do you speak Jargonese?

Let’s face it. Jargon is everywhere these days and has become woven into the fabric of everything from corporate culture to marketing strategies and [gasp] even marketing materials. If you’ve [...]

Give Your Presentations a Makeover

Bulletproof your slides. Too many bullet points and text make it easier to lose your audience’s interest and will cause them to read ahead, tuning you out. K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple). One concept [...]