Media Training: Nothing Personal

Don't take it personally when reporters ask tough questions.

We Loved Pat Riley Breaking Our Media Training Rules

Few people say what they mean.

Media Training: Prepare For A Quickie

The entire answer to a complex question was about 20 seconds.

Media Training: Handling Interviews Without Questions

Keep some extra facts and information in your back pocket to use in these very circumstances.

Media Training: Lost For Words? So Turn It On And Watch

You've heard of walk and talk. Consider this watch and talk.

Media Training: Reporters Tell Us Big Interview Mistakes

We asked reporters about the biggest mistakes people make during interviews. Here are their responses:

Ask Clinton. Media Training Is For More Than The Media

Don't restrict media training to media opportunities.

Media Training: You’re An Executive, Not The President

Trying to fill your interview with too many issues will exhaust viewers and readers.

Media Training: Answering Reporters’ Oddball Audibles

  The psychologist we sent to appear on a morning TV news show did not expect the anchor by her side to start the interview by asking about her plans for Christmas dinner. We scheduled her [...]

Media Training: How Many Reporters Are Dumb As Rocks?

I imagine every industry employs people we can not believe have their positions.