Media Training: Sour Note From The Partridge Family

Believe it or not, real life often imitates art minus the laugh track, except the people laughing are viewers at home.

Media Training: Mark Jackson’s Excellent Shot

Well played Mark Jackson. You may have provided us the game's greatest move.

Media Training: Did UPS Need Better Delivery?

The first lesson is to not fear saying," I don't know."

Public Relations: Hotel Sites Should Re-Book Responses

When the media contact you about complaints, don’t imply the customers are to blame.

Public Relations: Our Story About GM

Click here to read our GM story on

Speaking On Preparing For Media During Breaking News

Media Training: Oklahoma State University Earns A

Several people publicly discussing how an Oklahoma State University basketball player shoved a fan during a game skillfully handled the media.

Media Training: How Shooter Should’ve Handled Media

Your strategy for handling those situations should stretch beyond not responding or driving away.

We Give Freedom Industries D For News Conference

The public has blasted this news conference, so you may wonder why we didn't award the company an F.

Media Training: Christie Shouldn’t Have Said This

Don't repeat negative questions back to reporters.