Media Training: Prepare For 15 Data Breach Questions

If cybercriminals strike your company, prepare for the following questions from the media:

Media Training: Would You Ask This Question?

Just because a reporter is racing for answers doesn’t mean you can’t slow things down to get it right.

Media Training: Six Points About Ambush Interviews

If reporters ambush you in an awkward or uncomfortable location, don't be afraid to tell them you are happy to answer their questions but prefer to move to a different area.

Media Training: Don’t Expect Mercy

During media training for a business trying to improve its public relations, I asked one of the company’s leaders, as part of a mock interview, to confirm something about his fees.

5 Media Training Tips From Obama’s Economic Speech

Share stories to help deliver key messages. Don't just deliver facts.

Media Training: Joan Rivers Returns With Comic Style

A media training lesson for politicians and businesses: Don't go into hiding after controversy.

Joan Rivers’ Unfashionable Media Training Moment

When media ask tough questions, highlight the positives. Keep your cool. Don’t leave interviews before they are over.

PR: Christie Looks Like An Actual Dancing Dad

“This Bridge Is Closed” dance showed self-deprecation on even the most sensitive of political issues.

LeBron The Media Training King

The fact LeBron can calmly draw up such answers after feeling the heat from critics shows why, in this particular instance, he displayed skills of a media training king.

Media Training: AT&T Center’s AC Shot Clock Violation

PR pros should consider setting up their own shot clocks.