11 Reasons I Don’t Miss Traveling As A TV Reporter

Seeing that the same person who checked you in also cleans your room

Media Relations: For Your TV Eyes Only

My guess is that TV news stations, like businesses in other industries, do things simply because that's how it's always been done.

Media Relations: A Political Pitch To Ditch

She sent the pitch the same day as the event. In fact, she sent it two hours and 15 minutes before the event began.

Media Relations Is Like Dating

This first date went sour for many reasons.

Media Relations: “From a Security Standpoint, This Is A Good Course”


Media Relations: Boston Marathon: “A Sad Fact”

Venue safety expert Steven Adelman speaks to CBS5 on the day of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Media Relations: She Pitched Me Nearly Two Years After I Left TV News

Is she encouraging me to get back into the TV game?

Media Relations: Channel 3 Interviews Dr. Lee Weinstein On What Teeth Tell Us About Health

http://www.azfamily.com/home/What-your-teeth-say-about-you-199247401.html [singlepic id=91 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=center]

Media Relations: Fox10’s Interview With Dr. Lee Weinstein About Mobile Dentists

http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/21658055/mobile-dentistry-services [singlepic id=82 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=center]

PHOTO GALLERY: Fox10 Interviews Dr. Lee Weinstein

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