Lowe’s: Let’s Build Some Better Public Relations Together

How do you think Lowe’s could have improved its handling of this?

Public Relations for Apple Juice

I didn't need to click on a maze of links to learn the company's position on the controversy.

Our Client’s Appearance on Fox10’s Morning Show

Enjoying the Holidays after a Breakup: MyFoxPHOENIX.com

Media Relations: Is Bridging A Jedi Mind Trick?

So to make a long story short, bridging works because people let it work. Yes, some bridgers are smoother and slicker than others. But the real success of bridging lies with the listener.

Media Relations: Do You Agree With These Thoughts About Local News?

More people may have responded to that blog than any other I’ve recently written.

Social Media: Is Twitter Scooping Live TV?

Journalists and especially newsroom managers can’t consider social media a footnote, a sideshow or simply a spot to post links to last night’s news.

Media Training: Don’t Let Famous People Fumble

When celebrities go off script and give interviews, isn't there someone to review the talking points?

Public Relations: Is Apple Too Good For Its Own Good?

The PR machine fuels itself. But did the machine sputter a bit this time because Apple is too good for its own good?

Media Relations For Those Who Scream And Don’t Wear Shirts

Someone should offer a personal, media relations product for people who seek a more effective method in expressing their disgust with the media.

Should Your Social Media Get Nasty?

In the end, my answer boiled down to branding.