Media Relations: Who’s Your Daddy? Editors And Producers Are!

Editors and producers often wield the wand of power

Media Relations: PR Pros Should Not Engage In Threesomes

I stand by my decision.

Media Relations: Reasons You May Want To Pitch Your Story Idea A Different Day

No matter how strong your story pitch to the media, you may get pushed aside for the following reasons.

Media Relations: Businesses And PR Pros Can Learn From How Walmart Is Handling The New York Times

Media Relations and Crisis Communications: What we like and don't like about how Walmart handled The New York Times story.

Media Relations: 11 Reasons I Miss Local News During Sweeps

    Listening to the motivational speech during the morning editorial meeting about how crucial ratings is this time around. Watching promos that are better than the special reports [...]

Crisis Communications: The Fish Must Play A Long-Term Game Plan

Ozzie and the Marlins, to steal another baseball cliché, must stay ahead of the pitch.

Media Training: Businesses And Politicians Can Learn From Javelinas

Javelinas lost control of messaging long ago.

Media Training: Talk To Bloggers And Journalists Even If Your Hair Is Full Of Shampoo

If you want media attention, re-arrange your schedule. Do some quick thinking. Don’t miss an opportunity.

Businesses: Use Props For The Media

Be comfortable or the prop backfires.

10 reasons we hope news live trucks never leave our lives

We hope their masts keep stretching for the sky.