7 Tips For Schools On Communicating About COVID-19 With Parents And Staff

COVID-19 might be leading school districts to communicate with parents and staff more than ever before. Mitigation plans. Differing opinions. Heated topics. Staying one step ahead is difficult.  [...]

How Can Schools Protect Both Students and Their Image Amid COVID-19?

School districts face extremely complicated circumstances. They are in crisis mode. Staff is scrambling. COVID-19, mask policies and positive tests stretch far beyond past school controversies [...]

News Media Questions Schools Should Expect About COVID-19

As school years start amid the pandemic, leadership at school districts want to instill confidence among students and families that they have put significant thought into confronting different [...]

What To Wear For Video Interviews

When people ask what they should wear for a video interview, our top piece of advice is: Don’t wear anything that’s going to distract people from what you say. Here are some other tips: People [...]

One Of The Most Effective Ways To Get News Coverage

Listen to Keith, during an industry conference, talk about how commenting on breaking news is one of the strongest opportunities to show your expertise to the news media.  

99% of Story Pitches Are Horrible

Many people have good stories to tell, but they don’t pitch them well and miss opportunities. Here, Keith Yaskin, president of The Flip Side Communications and a former broadcast [...]

Preparing For A Media Crisis

10 Tips To Lose Credibility With News Media

Make major shifts in key messages within short periods of time. Make statements that don’t match actions. Prohibit certain news outlets from attending media briefings. Ask reporters to profile [...]

C-SPAN Might Make You A Smarter Citizen

My mom asked me how she might ensure she is watching and reading the most objective news. I asked her to list the sources that provide her information. Media outlets that tend to reinforce her [...]

Good, Bad And Ugly Of President-Elect Trump’s News Conference

The Good Delivery. President-elect Donald Trump speaks with confidence. He talks conversationally with reporters the same way he might talk with friends or strangers he just met. Generally, he [...]