In the Winds of Change, Don’t Let the Rumor Windmill Spin Out of Control

A company makes a major change to its daily business operations but doesn’t let its employees know about it ahead of time. What does not saying anything actually say to employees? Lots. It tells [...]

Employee Engagement or Whirlwind Romance?

Met online on at jobs website – seemed like a perfect match. Intense courtship (recruitment). Popped the question (the offer). Signed a prenup (acceptance letter, confidentiality agreement, [...]

Do you speak Jargonese?

Let’s face it. Jargon is everywhere these days and has become woven into the fabric of everything from corporate culture to marketing strategies and [gasp] even marketing materials. If you’ve [...]

The Power of Internal Communications

Often times it seems companies spend so much time, energy and money focusing on their customers through marketing and public relations efforts and not enough time on their most important [...]