Hammering out employee communications with tools like Yammer

How can companies embed these tools into the greater organizational dialogue?

One of the biggest problems preventing businesses from reaching their potential

Some miscommunication is so ludicrous, you would think the mix-up would be impossible until you see otherwise.

Why you should beta test your communications

Whether you're communicating a new company program or marketing a new product, someone from your target audience can provide invaluable feedback before they see the final email or the shiny new [...]

Target and Breastfeeding: How to Communicate a PR Problem Internally

Get the word out to your employees quickly.

Internal Communications: It Shouldn’t Be A One-Night Stand

Then I realize, she’s looking for the one night-stand approach to communications. Collateral candy.

Internal Communications: Are You Cheating On Your Logo?

It happened on a day like any other. I was at my last corporate job reading emails when I received a meeting invite to help with a project. But this wasn’t just any project. It had a name and a [...]

Your screaming turns me off

An HR manager in a satellite office sends an email to employees about changes in building security stemming from a corporate office mandate. The tone of her email is hostile and employees feel [...]

Making Employees Feel Part of the Team

I was walking with a co-worker when she acknowledged she should be back at her desk meeting a fast approaching deadline. She asked me why she didn’t care. I knew why. Shareholders and [...]

Don’t Do The Lingo

I call it The Flip Side because I offer both external and internal communications. My writing typically spotlights one or the other. But here’s an opportunity to kill two blogs with one [...]

Death, Taxes and Open Enrollment

Now that benefits open enrollment is coming up, benefits communications are top-of-mind for lots of companies. But communicating about benefits shouldn’t be a once a year deal. Too often, [...]