Managing Immigration-Related Concerns in School Districts

School districts must prepare to manage a variety of crises impacting students and the educational environment. A recent example highlights the importance of districts to communicate quickly, [...]

Adversity as Opportunity – A Football Lesson on De-Escalating Disgruntled Customers

One of the most impactful lessons in communication comes from my favorite football team’s coach. While I’m not sure about his play calling, I appreciate one of his favorite lines: “Adversity is [...]

Lessons from Miami Dolphins’ Tyreek Hill Incident: Essential Crisis Communications Strategies for Businesses and Agencies

The recent body cam footage from Sunday involving Miami Dolphins Wide Receiver Tyreek Hill has continued important discussions in our country. Beyond those significant conversations about our [...]

Chris Pratt Controversy Reinforces Value Of Influencers During Crisis

Unlike his character Emmet Brickowski, everything was not awesome for Chris Pratt. People on social media characterized the movie star as the “worst Hollywood Chris” after he joked [...]

7 Tips For Schools On Communicating About COVID-19 With Parents And Staff

COVID-19 might be leading school districts to communicate with parents and staff more than ever before. Mitigation plans. Differing opinions. Heated topics. Staying one step ahead is difficult.  [...]

How Can Schools Protect Both Students and Their Image Amid COVID-19?

School districts face extremely complicated circumstances. They are in crisis mode. Staff is scrambling. COVID-19, mask policies and positive tests stretch far beyond past school controversies [...]

News Media Questions Schools Should Expect About COVID-19

As school years start amid the pandemic, leadership at school districts want to instill confidence among students and families that they have put significant thought into confronting different [...]