How To Lose A Media Outlet In 92 Days

We pitch a story idea to a reporter. He says he might be interested and requests to further discuss the idea about a week later on the phone. On the phone, we discuss the story idea in detail. [...]

10 White Lies Journalists Tell PR People

Many journalists, despite their ability to ask tough questions, don’t like to utter the words “no” or “I’m not interested” to a PR pro pitching a story. [...]

How To Stop Someone’s Butt From Starring In Videos

We’re not talking about butts you want to see. We’re talking about investing significant time in setting up a shot and then sacrificing soundbites because someone’s grandma [...]

Oh S**t, Our Media Opportunity Just Landed In The Toilet

As people who try to help businesses appear in the news, we’d like to portray ourselves as experts whose clients come away glowing from every media experience. Well, let’s destroy that image [...]