Screen Zombies: How Do We Free Ourselves?

If we are screen zombies, Iโ€™m one of those in the pack that has awaken from the dream and realized something feels wrong. Iโ€™m simply not sure how to exit that world.

Media Training: Sour Note From The Partridge Family

Believe it or not, real life often imitates art minus the laugh track, except the people laughing are viewers at home.

Employee Communications: GM Looks Under Hood Part 2

Companies should look to their core values and beliefs on how it should communicate with employees.

Be A PR Star #9: Reporters on Your Property


Media Training: Mark Jackson’s Excellent Shot

Well played Mark Jackson. You may have provided us the game's greatest move.

Video Production Is Not Fast Food Hamburgers

I've repeated numerous times video does not work simply because it's video.

Public Relations v. The Law: You Be The Judge

Attorneys and PR practitioners might have more in common than they realize.

Media Training: Did UPS Need Better Delivery?

The first lesson is to not fear saying," I don't know."

Greasy Sales Pitches Disguised As White Papers

Shouts from digitized rooftops jockey for attention, "Look at me! Look at me!"

Watch Video Production Tip 8: Goals And Audiences

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