Public Relations: Don’t Get Too Wild

Do you want your brand portrayed this way to the public?

Media Training: No Peeing Wearing Microphones

Staying alert of microphones when working with the media is more important than ever before.

Video Production: A Simple Way To Save Time

Business videos are not ambush interviews.

Public Relations: H&M’s Strategy On Wages

What do you think of H&M’s approach regarding a “living wage”? Read this story.ย Also, read this from H&M’s newsroom. How does what a company pays its [...]

Employee Communications: No Reply At All

Leaders: Ask yourselves what message you are sending to employees when you do not acknowledge their emails or voicemails. What assumptions might they make if they do not hear back from you? What [...]

Public Relations: Walmart Wins This One

In its one-on-one battle with actor Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, Walmart wins. Here's why:

Public Relations: Company’s Newsroom Makes News

Newsrooms should be multimedia meccas with company stories, videos and photos. But SAS, a North Carolina-based software company, shows there are many ways to make a newsroom interesting and newsworthy.

Media Training: Sony Shows The Power Of Props

We can recall only one or two times during media training when someone used a prop to enhance their interview or media appearance.

Video Production: Track And Field

Video Production: Dog Day Afternoon

Keith shoots video of a Golden Retriever named Caesar as part of a company's recruting video. The video is sharing its story through the eyes of an employee, showing her home and work life.

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